Service offerings & value provided

Development & deployment enabling strategic direction for organizations and clients enabling them to achieve their objectives. Strategy planning and enablement by training the leadership team.​


Across industries and markets enabling performance optimization and operational excellence. Finding growth opportunities for businesses and enabling product and market expansion ​

Service offerings & value provided
Mergers & Acquisitions

Enabled through corporate finance leveraging debt, equity and hybrid finance options for buying and selling companies and connecting buyers to sellers and sellers to buyer. Working on both buy-side and sell-side mandates for businesses​​

Financial Consulting

Strategic financial advice and consulting, financial reviews and assessments to improve shareholder value, financial analysis and economic studies, audit and accounting services for financial reporting​​

Service offerings & value provided
Corporate Advisory

Providing a range of corporate advisory services as below:

  • Financial structuring
  • Investment reports
  • Negotiation processes
  • Enabling Due diligence
  • Executing transactions
  • BOD advisory
  • Performance reporting
  • Post-acquisition financing
  • Advise on Credit
Fund Advisory
  • Advisory services for funds domiciled in certain jurisdictions.
  • Advise funds on their investment strategy, pipeline strength, marketing material and competitive landscape
  • Identifying and raising capital from suitable funds and investors.
  • Deal sourcing and fund raising
Service offerings & value provided
Private Wealth Advisory
  • Provide impartial advice under no obligation based on an assessment of the client’s needs.
  • Outline right choice and mix of investment options
  • Choice of financial products and services offered by various financial institutions
  • Up-to-date financial news, current and historical information and analysis
  • Provide investment advice and monitoring of client accounts and investments on an ongoing basis
Family Office Advisory
  • Establish Family Offices
  • Advise on structure and regulations​
  • Ensure compliance and corporate governance​​
  • Enable Family Office goals and objectives​
  • Recruit and manage family office administration
  • Each family need is different, hence tailormake family office to enable objectives
  • Risk assessment and mitigation servcies
  • Investment advisory for family office
Service offerings & value provided

We serve investors and strategic clients throughout the transaction lifecycle: from opportunity identification through due diligence, M&A execution and on to post-transaction value realization. One-stop shop offerings for all the M & A transaction services:​

Service Offerings across the M&A Transaction lifecycle​
Offering 01:
Pre deal Due Diligence to check fit for purpose
  1. Assess, review and receommend efficiency drivers across financial, operational, business model etc.
  2. Review organisational prepardness, readiness to sell or buy and enable a fit for purpose transaction model
  3. Review, assist and make receommendatons on future business plan development Create a Business Valution Report
  4. Create a Business Valution Report​
Offering 02:
Deal - Enable the M & A Transaction
  1. Create an Information Memorandum (IM) Teaser for general broadcast without outlining brand details
  2. Create a detailed Information Memoramdum with detailed business plan and financial outline
  3. Reach out to potential buyers and sellers - database, roadshow, events and digital​
  4. Deal making and enable NBLOI
  5. Enable the DD and finalise deal
Offering 03:
Post deal synergy creation
  1. Post excuting SPA, finalise the transaction and close
  2. Assess, review and receommend post deal efficiency drivers across financial, operational, business model etc.
  3. Review and enable syergies with the business and allign requirements
  4. Create a reporting mechanism on KPI's to ensure performance management and monitoring

Unique Value ​

Management Consulting
Strategy Framework ​

Bob Malhotra has developed a unique management consulting strategy framework which enables the development of strategy for organizations and creates unique value addition which is called Move 78, based on the Alpha Go and Lee Sedol Move.

This move is also referred to as “Brilliant Tesuji” or “The Divine Move”

Move78 encapsulates a spirit of strategic foresight and innovation​


Q1: What is Mover 78?

A1: In Two Moves, AlphaGo and Lee Sedol Redefined the Future​

It’s match between human and machine. Move 37 was when AlphaGo defeated Humans. But then came Move 78, when Lee Sedol defeated AlphaGo, this move found God's Touch in humans.

AlphaGo is a computer program that plays the board game Go. It was developed by the London-based DeepMind Technologies (AI) an acquired subsidiary of Alphabet (Google). Subsequent versions of AlphaGo became increasingly powerful, including a version that competed under the name Master. After retiring from competitive play, AlphaGo Master was succeeded by an even more powerful version known as AlphaGo Zero which was completely self-taught without learning from human games. ​

Move78 Consulting

Q2: What is the connection with Move 78?

A2: Role of Human’s is greater than AI (machines)​

Our consulting approach is “Human” based​

We bring God's Touch in humans which is linked with Move 78.

We will enable winning moves for clients

Move78 is a strategic consulting framework – Strategy development & deployment enabling strategic direction for clients with enablement and planning developed and deployed by Bob Malhotra​

7 Moves for Cost Optimization​

1) Set Cost Optimization Strategy Objective

2) Action: Cost Optimization Area Identification

3) Outline Specific Cost Optimization Initiatives

4) Action: A) Do Cheaper B) Do Better C)Do Less

5) Assign Cost Optimization Project Manager

6) Set Cost Optimization targets, KPI’s and weekly measures review

7) Review, Re-measure and Re-align Cost Targets

8 Moves for EBITDA Maximization

Increase Sales Turnover Focusses plan to deliver volume growth


Increase Net Profit Margin Re-model the unit cost and increase NP margin


Reduce Expense Implement prudent cost controls​


Improve Operational Efficiency Re-work target operating model to improve efficiencies​


Increase Customer Retention​ Capture customer data, monitor usage and improve retention​


Diversify Customer Base​ Implement segmentation and increase penetration and base​


Focus on Long-term Contracts​ Build annuity business which repeats itself and grows​​


Foster innovation for products and services​ Create fun and excitement for customers through innovation​​